User privacy policy

Update date: 2023/10/14
Effective date: 2021/10/14
In order to better protect your personal information, it is recommended that you carefully read the updated "User Privacy Policy", especially the clauses of black bold. If you have any objections or doubts about the terms of this privacy policy, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 11 of this policy.
This user's privacy policy will help you understand the following:
1. Introduction
2. About us
3. term explanation
4. How do we collect and use your personal information
5. How can we share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information
6. About how to use cookies and similar technologies
7. How do we protect the safety of personal information
8. How do you manage your personal information
Nine, how do we deal with the personal information of minors
10. How to store personal information
11. SDK technology description
12. how to contact us

1. Introduction

1. This "User Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") is suitable for all DEEPSIRE products, including DeepSire Android applications, iOS -side applications.
2. Please read and understand all the contents of this policy before using DeepSire products and/or service. Once you use Deepsire products and/or services, it means that you agree that we will use this policy to use this policy to handle your relevant information.
3. We may revise this policy from time to time in accordance with laws and regulations or business adjustments. When this policy has changed significantly, we will show you the changes after the version is updated in a prominent position prompt or push notification, message and other forms. The major changes referred to this policy include but not limited to: our service model has changed significantly, such as the purpose of handling personal information, the type of personal information, the use of personal information, etc.; Such as changes caused by the owner caused by mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations; the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed; major changes in the rights of personal information processing and their exercise methods; When the contact method and complaint channels change.
4. You need to understand that only after you confirm and agree to the change of privacy policies, we will collect, use, process, and store your personal information based on the change of privacy policy; you have the right to refuse to agree to the privacy policy after the change. But please know that once you refuse to agree to the privacy policy after the change, it may cause you to be unable or not to continue to use Deepsire products and/or services, or to achieve the service effect of the product to be achieved.

2. About us

1. Deepsire provides product operations and services by Diessor Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "We" or "Deepsire").

3. noun explanation

Unless there is another agreement, the term used in this policy usually has the following definitions:
1. Personal information (from the "Personal Information Protection Law"): Personal information is a variety of information related to the recognized or recognizable natural person recorded in electronics or other methods, excluding information after anonymous processing. The personal information involved in this privacy policy includes the basic information of natural persons (including name, birthday, gender, address, phone number, email address), personal identity information (including identity documents), personal biometric information (including fingerprints, facial features, facial features ), Network identity identification information (including system accounts, IP addresses, mailbox addresses, and the answers to the aforementioned password, password, password protection), personal property information (including bank accounts, passwords, transactions and consumption records, virtual currency, virtual transactions, virtual transactions , Exchange code and other virtual property information), address book information, personal Internet records (including website browsing records, software use records), personal commonly used equipment information (including hardware serial number, hardware model, equipment MAC address, operating system type, software list, software list , Unique device identifier), personal location information (including about geographical location and accurate positioning information). The types of personal information we actually collected are described in this policy.
2. Personal sensitive information (from the "Personal Information Protection Law"): Sensitive personal information is personal information that can easily cause the personality dignity of natural persons to be infringed or harmed by personal and property security, including biometrics, religion, religion Faith, specific identity, medical health, financial accounts, trajectory and other information, as well as personal information of minors under the age of 14. Personal sensitive information involved in this privacy policy includes your personal property information, personal identity information (including identity documents), personal biometric information, network identity information, address book information, accurate positioning information, and delivery address. The types of personal sensitive information we actually collected are described in this policy.
3. Equipment: refers to devices that can be used to access our products and/or services, such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones.
4. The only device recognition code (exclusive ID or UUID): refers to a string of characters compiled by the device manufacturer into the device, which can be used to identify the corresponding devices in the unique way (such as IMEI/Android ID/idfa/Openudid/Guid /SIM card IMSI information, etc.). The only device recognition code has a variety of uses, which can be used to provide advertisements when COOKIE (such as in mobile applications).
5. IP address: Each internet device will specify a number, called the Internet protocol (IP) address. These numbers are usually specified according to geographical areas. IP addresses can usually be used to identify the location where device is connected to the Internet.
6. SSL: SSL (Secure Socket Layer), also known as convergence, is a security protocol implemented on the transmission communication protocol (TCP/IP). SSL supports various types of networks, and provides three basic security services at the same time. Both use the public key and symmetrical key technology to achieve the effect of information confidentiality.
7. Cookie: Cookie is a small file containing string. When you log in and use your website or other network content, you send and store in your computer, mobile device or other devices (usually encrypted). Similar cookies are other technologies that can be used as similar to cookies, such as: Web Beacon, Proxy, embedded script, etc.
8. Account: When you register your account and provide us with some personal information, you can better use our service. When you visit Deepsire, the system will use these account information to verify your identity to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing your account.
9. Anonymous: It refers to the process that the subject of personal information cannot be identified or associated by the technical processing of personal information, and the processing information cannot be restored.
10. Devision: Refers to the process of processing the personal information to make it unable to identify or associate the personal information subject without using additional information.
11. Server log: Usually, our server will automatically record the web request you emitted when visiting the website. These "server logs" usually include your network request, Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, date and time of request, and one or more cookies that can recognize your browser.

4. How do we collect and use your personal information

1. We collect and use the following principles to collect and use the personal information that you actively provide or due to the needs of products and/or services: the principles of consistency and responsibility, the principles of the purpose of the purpose, the principle of consent, the principle of minimum necessary principles, and the principle of ensuring the safety of safety , The principles of subject participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. If we want to use your personal information for other purposes that are not stated in this policy, or use the information collected for other purposes based on specific purposes, we will inform you in a reasonable way, and before use Get your consent.
2. The types of personal information and authority we collect and use include:
2.1 Information necessary for our core business functions of our products and/or services: This type of information is an essential information for the normal operation of products and/or services. You must authorize us to collect and use it. If you refuse to authorize and provide, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally;
2.2 Information that additional business functions may need to be collected: This information is the information required for non -core business functions. You can choose whether to authorize us to collect and use it. If you refuse to authorize and provide, it will cause additional business functions to be unable to achieve or cannot achieve the effect of the product, but it will not affect your normal use of core business functions.
2.3 In order to ensure the normal operation of the product and achieve better product functions for you, we will apply to you when you use specific functions or services to apply for a address book, geographical location, and camera authority. The above authority will not be opened by default. Only after your explicit authorization will be used when you implement specific functions or services, you can also withdraw authorization. In particular, it is necessary to point out that even after your authorization, we have obtained these sensitive permissions, and we will not collect your information when related functions or services are not needed. (DEEPSIRE permissions application and usage description)
3. We need to remind you in particular: you understand and agree, and we want to provide you with the product and/or service that you will be improved, so we will continue to improve our products and services, so we may often launch new business often Function, at that time, you may need to collect new personal information or change the purpose or method of the use of personal information. We will explain to you by updating this policy, page prompts, pop -ups, website announcements, etc. The scope, and collect it after obtaining your consent.
4. Usually, we will collect and use your personal information in the following scene:
4.1 Account registration, login, certification
4.1.1. Account registration and login
When you register and/or log in to the DEEPSIRE account, to help you complete the registration and/or log in, we provide three login methods:
4.1. 1.1 When you choose "mobile phone number login", after your consent, the operator (China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom) will send us your mobile phone number based on cooperation to facilitate us to provide you with a fast login service; You need to understand that your mobile phone number belongs to your personal sensitive information. And/or login account does not affect the use of other functions;
4.1.2 Perfect information
After you complete the product account registration, you can decide whether you need to improve your gender, age, age, nickname, education, avatar, birthday, height, location, school, occupation, hometown, personality label and other network identification information. Among them, gender and age belong to the information necessary to use the basic functions of the Deepsire product (we will provide gender matching services based on gender; we will refuse to provide services to minors based on age). If you refuse to provide, we will not be able to use our products and our products and our products and Function. For other information, if you improve the information, it will help us provide you with better services and experiences (such as getting better matching recommendations), but if you do not provide the above information, it will not affect the basic function of using the product Essence
4.1.3 Real -name certification
When you need to use real -name authentication functions or related services, according to relevant laws and regulations, you need to provide us with your real identity information (real name, ID number) to verify your identity and complete real -name authentication services. This information is a personal sensitive information. You can refuse to provide it. If you refuse to provide you, you may not be able to obtain related services, but it will not affect the normal use of other products and/or services;
4.2 Personalized recommendation
4.2.1 Collect information type
In order to better recommend heterosexual users and square information to you, we will collect and use the following information:
4.2.11 Public information you actively fill in and published (for example: age, education, gender, occupation, income, etc.) Get your geographical location information after your consent.
Geographical location information: Including accurate geographical location information obtained through GPS information, Bluetooth, etc., and general geographical location information obtained through network location information (such as base stations, IP, and WLAN). Accurate geographical location information is personal sensitive information. If you refuse to provide, we will not recommend information to you according to the precise geographical location information, and will not affect the normal use of other functions of the product. However, we will show you the local relevant information of your area (province and city) based on the provinces and cities corresponding to the square page of the square on the homepage (before rejection).
4.2.2 Use scenarios
We will combine the above information with the information from other services from our other services, and analyze the features and preferences through the algorithm to personalize, display or push you specific users, graphics, audio and video and other information that you may be interested in, or Push is more suitable for your specific functions or services: Show you on the DeepSire recommendation page and recommend the opposite sex users nearby. Recommend the information dynamic to you in the same city on the square page according to the heat and release date;
We collect and use the above information to identify it. The data analysis only corresponds to the coding of specific, unable to directly associate user identity, and cannot be associated with your true identity. If you do not agree with authorization or reject us to obtain the above information, you can turn off in "I-Settings-Privacy Settings-Personalized Recommendation". After closing, you will not get personalized recommendation information, but it does not affect your normal use of the product. Other functions.
4.3 Content release function
4.3.1 Upload dynamics, avatar, photos
When you upload your avatars or photos, publish, including publishing text, pictures, voice, short videos, you need to open the camera, recording, album, storage permissions accordingly. At the same time, you can also open/cancel the permissions through the relevant functional settings of your device. When you cancel the authorization, we can no longer provide you with the above -mentioned services. You uploaded dynamic photos, text, short videos, comments, and likes that this information will be stored in our server because storage is necessary to achieve this function. We will store it in an encrypted manner, and you can delete this information at any time. Unless you choose or comply with relevant laws and regulations, we will not provide the above dynamic information or use it for other purposes other than this function.
4.3.2 Special reminder: The information you posted publicly may involve the personal information of you or others and even personal sensitive information. If you choose to upload pictures of personal sensitive information when you release your dynamics, please consider whether to use us to use us. Share and even publicly share related information during the service. We recommend that you don't upload photos of minors or other minors and other personal information in the people.
4.4 Follow friends and friends management functions
4.4.1 You can choose to build a concern (friend) relationship with someone you are interested in or share information with other third parties through the functional components provided by us. We will collect service log information including your attention and share history to achieve the above functions. If you refuse to provide this feature that will not be used, it does not affect other functions of your normal use of products and/or services;
4.4.2 You can add or delete your friends to our products. To help you realize this function, we will create a friends list information. The list of friends is a necessary information necessary to establish a relationship with friends.
4.5 Customer service
4.5.1 You can initiate complaints, complaints or consultations with customer service. For your account number and system security, we need you to provide account information and match your previous personal information to verify your user identity. At the same time, we may also need you to provide personal information such as your real name, mobile phone number, email, and other contact information in order to timely feed you a complaint, appeal or consultation result;
4.5.2 We may also need to collect information you communicate with us (including text, pictures, audio and video, call records and other forms), and other necessary information associated with your needs. We collect the above information to investigate the facts and help you solve the problem. If you refuse to provide it, we may not be able to feed you a timely feedback of complaints, appeals or consultation results.
4.6 Your personal information collected from third parties
4.6.1 You understand and know that the personal information provided by your external third parties (except the deepsire associated company), or your personal information collected by the external third party, we cannot obtain it, let alone use unconventional methods (such as maliciousness (malicious malicious Intervention in the opponent series APP data) Get your personal information with software program without authorization. We may really need to be collected indirectly (such as sharing, etc.) from third parties due to the needs of business development, and we can directly or jointly provide you with products or services. We (or third parties) will The source, type, purpose, method, and business functions of your personal information that shared your personal information, the scope of the business function, the scope of the authorization consent (if the use method and scope exceeds the scope of the original authorized scope of the third party, we will recruit your authorization again agree);
4.6.3 We will reinforce the above personal information (including sensitive information reporting, sensitive information encryption storage, access permissions control, etc.). We will use more than our personal information obtained from our personal information that are the same protection means and measures that are the same protection means and measures.
4.7 Provide you with a security guarantee function to ensure that you use the product/service more securely
To provide you with a safer and credible product and use environment, protect the security risks such as cyber attack/invasion/invasion, network fraud, fishing websites, websites, computer viruses, etc. Better prevention and identification of violations of laws and regulations and the rules of the DEEPSIRE platform provides high -quality and reliable services and information. We will collect information about the products or services you use and connect or integrate this information. These will be associated or integrated. These are Information includes:
4.7.1 Equipment information: We will receive and record the device model, operating system version, and device recognition code (including IMei/Android ID/Device_id/Idfv/OAID/OAID /SN ID/MEID, SIM card mobile phone number, IMSI), network device hardware address, MAC and other software and hardware feature information, equipment application installation lists, and the relevant information of the device (such as IP address, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, base station, base station, base station, base station, base stations Geographical location information). You need to note that this information is the basic information collected by us to provide services and guarantee the normal operation of the product;
Please know, in order to help us carry out security protection such as BUG analysis, anti -black production, etc., to ensure your normal use of this product and/or service, improve and optimize our product experience, and ensure your account security. In the background or in a silent state, we will collect your device information (including AndroidId, Wifimac, WiFi address, WIFI name, Mac, Meid, IMEI or OAID, Brand, system version, latitude and longitude information).
4.7.2 Log Information: When you use the products or services provided by our website or client, we will automatically collect your detailed usage of our products or services as related to online logs. (For example, your search query content, IP address, the type of browser, telecommunications operator, etc.);
4.7.3 You need to note that separate equipment information and log information are information that cannot identify specific natural person status. Therefore, separate equipment information and log information are not referred to as "personal information" in this policy. If we use this type of non -personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person or use it with personal information, during the combination of use, such non -personal information will be regarded as personal information, except for obtaining your authorization. Or in addition to other provisions of laws and regulations, we will anonymous and de -identify this type of personal information;
4.7.4 Other information: In order to prevent malicious procedures and safe operations, we will collect the application information or the process information of the operation, the overall operation of the application, the frequency of usage and frequency, the overall installation, performance data, application, application, application, application, application, application Source, and may use or integrate your user information, trading information, equipment information, and related network log information, and then comprehensively judge your account and transaction risk, conduct authentication, test and prevent security incidents, and take necessary records, audit in accordance with the law , Analysis and disposal measures.
4.8 News notice
You know and agree that for your contact information (such as contact telephone number) provided by you in the process of using our products and/or services, we may send one or more of them in operation Notification, the use of user messages, authentication, security verification, user experience survey, etc. In addition, we may also provide you with the mobile phone number collected in the previous process to provide you with a SMS and telephone. The purpose of commercial information such as services, functions or activities, but please rest assured that if you do not want to accept this information, you can be withdrawing through the withdrawal method provided in the mobile phone SMS, or you can contact us directly to the withdrawal Essence
4.9 Removal of personal information that obtains consent to collect and use according to law
You need to remind you that in the following situations, collect and use your personal information without your consent:
4.9.1 What is related to the obligations stipulated in the performance of personal information controller;
4.9.2 Directly related to national security and national defense security;
4.9.3 Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
4.9.4 Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
4.9.5 Out of maintaining major legitimate rights and interests of the life and property of the subject of personal information or other individuals, it is difficult to get my consent;
4.9.6 The personal information collected is made by your own public;
4.9.7 The personal information collected from the legal public disclosure information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;
4.9.8 The necessary signed and fulfilling the contract according to your requirements;
4.9.9 It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products provided and/or service provided, such as discovering, disposing of products and/./Or services;
4.9.10 Due to the need to carry out statistics or academic research in public interests, and provide academic research or description results, the personal information contained in the result is identified
4.9.11 is necessary for legal news reports;
4.9.12 Other circumstances stipulated in laws and regulations.

5. How do we share, transfer, publicly disclose personal information

1. Sharing
We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. Your personal information is an important basis and component of our products and/or services. For your personal information, we only within the purpose and scope of this policy or Collect and use according to the requirements of laws and regulations, and strictly keep secret. Under normal circumstances, we will not share your personal information with any company, organization and individual, except the following situations:
1.1 Get your clear authorization or consent in advance;
1.2 Based on the applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, the government's mandatory order or judicial ruling, you need to share your personal information;
1.3 In the scope of legal requirements or allowed, it is necessary to provide your personal information to third parties in order to protect the interests of Deepsire and its users or the public.
1.4 Your personal information may be shared between our affiliated companies in the future: providing you with consistent services and facilitating your unified management, we may share your personal information with our affiliated company. But we will only share the necessary personal information (for the sake of facilitating you to log in to and use other products or services of related companies to identify the account of the DEEPSIRE related company or other users or the public by the company's other products or services. Will share your necessary account information in the affiliated company). If we share your personal sensitive information or the purpose of related parties to change personal information, we will solicit your authorization consent again.
1.5 In order to improve the scientific research capabilities in related fields and promote the level of scientific and technological development, we may share the identified or anonymous data with the institutions of scientific research institutes, universities and other institutions under the situation where data security and purpose are legitimate;
1.6 In order to provide you with more complete and high -quality products and services, some of our services will be provided by authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. We will only share your personal information for legal, correct, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and only share the personal information necessary for providing services. At the same time, we will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with our partners, asking them to handle your personal information in accordance with our instructions, privacy policies, and any other related confidentiality and security measures. Our partners have no right to use the personal information they shared for any other purpose. If you refuse our partners to collect personal information necessary for services when providing services, it may cause you to be unable to use the third -party service on our platform. Usually our partners have the following categories:
1.6.1 Service provider for our products and/or service functions: For example, the payment service for payment services, the purpose of our sharing information is only to realize the functions of our products and/or services;
1.6.2 Third -party SDK service provider: Our products may include third -party SDKs or other similar applications. If you use such services provided by third parties on our platform, you agreed And process your information (such as embedded code, plug -in, etc.); at this time, third -party SDK service providers will obtain some of your personal information to provide better customer service and user experience. For details, see the "SDK Technology Description Document". You refuse to provide information to third -party institutions that only make you unable to use the functions provided by the technology provided by a third -party institution, but it will not affect your use of our products and/or services.
1.6.3 You confirm that we have the right to share the analysis/statistical information of indirect user portraits, de -identification or anonymous information formed by the partners who have entrusted us to make information promotion and advertising. Help it make advertising or decision -making suggestions, increase the effective touch rate of advertising, and further understand user needs; we may share the analysis of device information or statistical information with business service providers, suppliers and other partners. Can't be associated with your true identity. This information will help us analyze and measure the effectiveness of advertising and related services. We promise: without your consent, we will not share with them personal information that can recognize your identity;
1.6.4 When you choose to participate in related marketing activities organized by us and our affiliates or third parties, you may need to provide you with name, communication address, contact information, and bank account information. This information is personal sensitive information. It refuses to provide may affect your participation in related activities, but it will not affect other functions of our products and/or services. Only after your consent can we share this information with related parties or third parties to ensure that you have consistent services in the joint event, or entrust a third party to reward you in time.
2. Transfer
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization and individual, except the following situations: except:
2.1 Transfer when obtaining clear consent: After getting your clear consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;
2.2 With the sustainable development of our business, we will be likely to be merged, acquired, and transfer of assets, and your personal information may be transferred as a result. When changes before, we will request that the recipient's personal information is required to protect your personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations and the security standards not lower than the privacy policy, otherwise we will request that the recipient will re -obtain your authorization consent.
3. Public disclosure
3.1 Public disclosure is an act to publish information to the society or unspecified people. In addition to the necessary disclosure of the necessary matters such as the need to punish the illegal account number, the fraudulent behavior, etc., the release of the winning/winner, etc. Personal information discloses public information. If there is a disclosure of the disclosure of the directors, we will tell you the purpose and type of the information that the information disclosed publicly before public disclosure (if it involves your personal sensitive information, we will also tell you that it involves involved in it The content of sensitive information), and then disclosed it publicly after obtaining your authorization consent, except for the laws and regulations or other agreed in this policy;
3.2 For your personal information that disclosed publicly, we will be carefully reviewed as soon as possible after receiving the public disclosure application, and carefully examine its legitimacy, rationality, and legitimacy, and take the most stringent personal information security when disclosed and disclosed after public disclosure. Protective measures and means to protect them.
4. The exception of sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your personal information
Please know that in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, in the following circumstances, sharing, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information without requiring your authorization consent in advance:
4.1 Directly related to national security and national defense security;
4.2 Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
4.3 Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgment; or the requirements of the rights of the authority in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, administrative organs or public prosecution laws;
4.4 Out of maintaining major legitimate rights and interests such as life and property of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to get your consent;
4.5 Personal information is collected by your own or from legal public channels (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels);
4.6 What is necessary to sign and fulfill your related agreements or other written documents with you;
4.7 Other circumstances stipulated in laws and regulations.

6. How to use cookies and similar technologies

1. When you use our products or services, we may use Cookie and similar technologies to collect some of your personal information, including: your habit of accessing the website, your browsing information, your login information, Cookie and similar technologies collect this Category informationIt is for your need to use our products and/or services, simplify your repeated operation steps (such as registration, login), which is convenient for you to view the use of history and provide you with the service content that is more suitable for your personal needs. Content, protect your information and account security, improve our products and services, etc.
2. If you refuse us to collect and use your relevant information with Cookie and similar technologies, you can delete cookies and/or similar technologies that have been stored in your computer, mobile devices or other devices, so that we cannot all or part of it Track your personal information. You understand and know: Our products/services can only be implemented by using Cookie or similar technologies. If you refuse to use or delete, you may not be able to use our related products and/or services that cannot pass us through us. Products and/or services obtain the best service experience, and may also have a certain impact on your information protection and account security.

7. how to protect the security of personal information

1. Information storage
1.1. Storage location: In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we will only store the collected personal information in the territory of the People's Republic of China. At present, we do not have a scenario that stores your personal information or provide personal information overseas for the time being. If it is really necessary to perform cross -border transmission of data, we will clearly notify you alone (including the purpose of data outbound, receiving, use method and scope, use content, security guarantee measures, security risks, etc.), and obtain your With the consent of authorization, we will ensure that the data receiver has sufficient data protection capabilities to protect your personal information.
1.2. Storage period: We retain your personal information for the shortest period necessary to provide you with products and services. For example: when you use our registration and membership functions, we need to collect your mobile phone number, and when you After providing it and while you are using this function, we need to continue to save your mobile phone number in order to provide you with this function normally and ensure the security of your account and system.In addition, we may store your relevant information for the necessary period specified by relevant laws.
1.3. After exceeding the above storage period, we will delete or processes your personal information.
2. Information protection
2.1 Your personal information security is critical to us. We will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and take reasonable and feasible measures recognized in the industry to protect your personal information. Prevent information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, and modification to avoid damage or loss of information.
2.2 We use security measures that meet the industry standards to protect your personal information, prevent data from being interviewed, publicly disclosed, used, and modified, and data prevent data from damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. We have established access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; we will organize security and privacy protection training courses from time to time to strengthen employees' awareness of protecting the importance of personal information. In order to prevent security accidents, we set up a special data security department and formulated a proper early warning mechanism and emergency plan. Once a personal information security incident occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or we are going to take, the suggestions and suggestions and suggestions for reducing the risk of autonomy and reducing risks The emergency plan for your remedy and immediately start the emergency plan to minimize the loss. We will inform you of the incident -related situation in time by telephone, push notification.
2.3 In order to prevent security accidents, we set up a special data security department and formulated a proper early warning mechanism and emergency plan. Once a personal information security incident occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or we are going to take, the suggestions and suggestions and suggestions for reducing the risk of autonomy and reducing risks The emergency plan for your remedy and immediately start the emergency plan to minimize the loss. We will inform you of the incident -related situation in time by telephone, push notification.
2.4 Although the above -mentioned reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant legal regulations have been adopted, please understand that due to the technical restrictions and various malicious means that there may be It is impossible to ensure 100 % security of information, and we will try our best to ensure the security of our personal information you provide.
2.5 You know and understand that the system and communication network you used to access our services may be due to factors outside the control scope. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take positive measures to protect the security of personal information, including but not limited to not disclosing your account password and related personal information to others. If you find your personal information, especially your account or password, please contact Deepsire customer service immediately so that we can take corresponding measures based on your application.
3. We will establish a special security department, security management system, and data security process to ensure your personal information security. We adopt strict data use and access systems to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information and conduct security audits of data and technology in a timely manner.

8. How do you manage your personal information

We attach great importance to your management of personal information and do our best to protect your personal information inquiry, access, modification, delete, withdrawn, withdrawing, canceling account numbers, and complaints to report, so that you have the ability to protect your privacy And information security.
1. Visit your personal information
In addition to the situation stipulated in laws and regulations or other requirements of the judicial organs or administrative organs, you have the right to visit your personal information. You can access your personal information by yourself in the following ways:
1.1 Account Information: If you want to access or edit your personal documents, mobile phone binding, payment information, security information, etc., you can perform such operations through the "I" page after logging in to the account;
1.2 Use information: You can check your use information through our product -related page, including: dynamic release content, historical records, transaction information, etc.;
1.3 Other information: If you encounter operating problems during the access process, you need to get other personal information content that you cannot know, you can contact us at any time through Deepsire customer service. We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply to your user identity in a timely manner.
2. More corrective or supplement your personal information
When you find that there are errors, incomplete, or updating the information you provided to us, you can make a correction or supplementary application through the method listed in this article "1. Access your personal information". We will reply to timely after the review.
3. Delete your personal information
You can delete your personal information through this article "1. Access your personal information".
In the following circumstances, you can make a request to delete personal information:
3.1 If our behavior of handling personal information violates laws and regulations;
3.2 If we collect and use your personal information, it has not obtained your consent;
3.3 If our behavior of handling personal information seriously violates your agreement;
3.4 If you no longer use our products or services, or you take the initiative to cancel the account;
3.5 If we will no longer provide you with products or services.
If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the subject of your personal information as much as possible at the same time as much as possible to delete it in time, but the laws and regulations have other regulations, except for these subjects to obtain your independent authorization. At the same time, please know that if your public information on Deepsire is captured, cached, stored, copy, or replicates by other users or independent third parties that do not cooperate with us, or we are not controlled by us At the same time, the relevant information will not be controlled by us.
When you delete your personal information from our products or services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, but this information will be deleted when the backup is updated.
4. Change the scope of your authorization consent
4.1 You can close the geographical location, address book, camera, camera, microphone, album permissions change consent range or withdraw your authorization in the device operating system or withdraw your authorization. After withdrawing authorization, we will no longer collect information related to these permissions;
4.2 Specific business functions and services will need your information to be completed. When you withdraw or authorize, we cannot continue to provide you with the function and services corresponding to the withdrawal consent or authorization, and no longer process your corresponding personal information Essence But your decision to withdraw consent or authorization will not affect the personal information processing we carried out based on your authorization.
5. Logging out the account
You can cancel the account through the "Security Center" on the "I"-"Settings" page. Before you cancel your account, we will verify your personal identity, safety status, equipment information, etc. For the process and content of the injection, see the prompt on the cancellation page. You know and understand that the behavior of canceling the account is irreversible behavior. When you cancel your account, you will not be able to log in and use our product with this account. At the same time The rights and interests and future overdue benefits will be removed; all information under this account will be deleted or anonymous, except for the laws and regulations, such as according to the "Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China", your regulations, you, your The network operation log will keep at least six months. If you have any questions in the cancellation process, you can contact Deepsire customer service to solve it in time.
6. Complaint report
You can complain or report in accordance with our publicity system. If you think your personal information rights may be infringed, or you can find a clue of the right to infringe personal information, you can contact us in [I]-[Complaint and feedback] to enter the relevant interface. You may need to provide some materials according to our requirements. Prove your identity. We will report your complaints and reports within 15 days after the verification. We may refuse for some unprovoed repeats, bring risks or very unrealistic requests to others' legitimate rights and interests.
7. In the following circumstances, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, we will not be able to respond to your request:
7.1 It is related to national security and national defense security;
7.2 Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
7.3 Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution judgment;
7.4 There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the subject of personal information has subjective malice or abuse of rights;
7.5 Response your request will cause the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations to be seriously damaged;
7.6 Involving business secrets.

9. How do we handle personal information of minors

Our products and/or services are only facing adults. Subsidies under the age of 18 should not create their own personal accounts and/or use our products and/or services. If we find out the personal information of minors, we will try to delete relevant data as soon as possible.

10. How to store personal information

1. In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we will store your personal information collected and generated during the domestic operation process in the territory of the People's Republic of China. At present, we will not transmit the above information abroad. If personal information is transmitted cross -border in the future, we will strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and obtain your clear authorization. Except for personal active behavior such as dynamics.
2. Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information in the shortest time to achieve the purpose, and the personal information that exceeds the corresponding period will be deleted or anonymous to process it. But in the following circumstances, we may change the storage time of personal information due to the need to meet the legal requirements:
2.1 In order to comply with the relevant provisions of standardized documents such as applicable laws and regulations or policies;
2.2 In order to abide by the decision of administrative organs or similar authorization organizations, etc., judicial organs 'judgments, rulings, arbitration agencies' rulings or other legal procedures;
2.3 We have reason to be convinced that we need to comply with relevant regulations such as laws and regulations;
2.4 In order to implement related service agreements or policies, safeguard the public interests of the society, and to protect the personal property security or other legitimate rights and interests of third -party personal property or other legitimate rights and interests for protecting their customers, we or our affiliates, other users or employees;
2.5 When the Deepsire stops operation, we will notify you in the form of push notification, website or in -program announcement, and delete or processes your personal information within a reasonable period.

11. SDK technology description

Service Type: Positioning Service SDK name: Gaode positioning, Gaode 3D map, Gaode Search
Service content: user location service display more high -quality content
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information, location information
Share personal information field: device MAC address, unique device recognition code, location information
Service Type: Question Tracking Service
SDK name: Tencent Bugly
Service content: Provide APP stability monitoring, collapse to report, help developers quickly discover and solve collapse
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: device MAC address, unique device recognition code
Service Type: Social Service
SDK Name: Tencent Cloud SDK
Service content: Provide users with basic chats and other functions
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: device MAC address, unique device recognition code
Service Type: Social Service
Service content: Help users share content to third -party applications
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: None
Service Type: Social Service
SDK name: WeChat SDK
Service content: Support WeChat login and help users share content to third -party applications
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: None
Service Type: Push Service
SDK Name: Huawei Push SDK
Service content: Provide Huawei mobile phone push messages
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: The only device recognition code
Service Type: Push Service
SDK name: vivo push SDK
Service content: Provide Vivo mobile phone push message
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: The only device recognition code
Service Type: Push Service
Service content: Provide OPPO mobile phone push message
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: The only device recognition code
Service Type: Push Service
SDK name: Xiaomi push SDK
Service content: Provide Xiaomi mobile phone push message
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: The only device recognition code
Service Type: Push Service
SDK name: Aurora push SDK
Service content: Provide Xiaomi mobile phone push message
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: The only device recognition code
Service type: aggregate real -life certification
SDK Name: Juxun Cloud Live Certification
Service content: Real -name authentication of users
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Sharing Personal Information Field: Personal Information Service type: Huawei Cloud Domain Analysis Service
SDK Name: Huawei Cloud DNS Acceleration
Service content: Accelerate domain name analysis
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: the only device identification code, network information Service Type: Qi Niu Cloud OSS Service SDK Name: Qi Niu Cloud OSS
Service content: Accelerate picture upload
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information
Share personal information field: None
Service Type: Data Statistics Service
SDK name: Tencent SDK Service content: Provide data reporting, data unity, unique service
Service method: embedded in the SDK, SDK will transmit personal information

12. How to contact us

If you encounter issues, complaints, and suggestions related to this policy in the content of this policy or using our products and/or in service, you can contact us in any way in any way:
1. You can submit feedback online through online customer service in our product function page;
2. You can contact us through 2133359336 customer service QQ mailbox;
3. You can write a letter to: Room 1406B, 14th Floor, Huali Bank Building, Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply within 15 working days after verifying your user identity.

13. Self-start and Associated Start Explanation

1. To ensure the app can normally receive push notifications when closed or running in the background, the app needs to utilize self-start capabilities. This will involve periodically broadcasting system messages to initiate self-start or associated start behaviors, as necessary for functionality and service delivery.
2. When you open content-based push notifications, the app will only redirect and open relevant content after obtaining your explicit consent. Without your consent, there will be no self-start or associated start.
3. Opening files downloaded within the app may trigger the launch of third-party apps.
4. Our app requires access to your device's microphone to enable sending and receiving voice messages. We promise to use this permission only with your explicit consent and will not use your recordings for any other purpose. We will take necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and protection of your recordings.
5. Please be aware that you can disable the microphone permission in the app settings to withdraw your consent for its use at any time. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.